Mazes by Y. Frimer

Mazes and blog postings about how to draw a maze and other cool stuff for you to learn in your free time or when you have a few minutes at work.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Team Of Monkeys Museum Servicesmaze comics, team of monkeys butlers and art at museum
Great Service at Museum of Ape Art, by Team Of Monkeys

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Maze comics, team of monkeys poping a wheely on a motorcycle
maze comics, team of monkeys poping a wheely on a motorcycle

Maze comics, team of monkeys
writing the complete works of shakespear

maze comics, team of monkeys writing the complete works of shakespear

Maze comics, team of monkeys operating a tower crane
maze comics, team of monkeys operating a tower crane

Maze Comics - Team Of Monkeys Pilot - Landing a Plane

maze comics, team of monkeys pilot, landing the plane

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