Mazes by Y. Frimer

Mazes and blog postings about how to draw a maze and other cool stuff for you to learn in your free time or when you have a few minutes at work.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Maze Rushmore
maze rushmore, mt. rushmore maze

These mazes where created by yonatan frimer
more mazes like these at

To solve the mazes, find the arrows which mark the entrance and exit and the path that connects the two of them.

Gia Conde, Mona Lisa Maze
Gia Conde, Mona Lisa Maze

Portrait barak obama maze Portrait Maze of president barrack hussein obama
Maze of President Obama

These mazes where created by yonatan frimer
more mazes like these at

To solve the mazes, find the arrows which mark the entrance and exit and the path that connects the two of them.

Maze of Gilad Shalit Wearing Uniform and Rifle
Maze of Gilad Shalit - Kidnapped Israeli Soldier by hamas Maze of Gilad Shalit wearing Uniform and Rifle
Maze of Gilad Shalit wearing Uniform and Rifle

Maze of Vacanti Mouse with human ear on his back
maze of genetic miracle vacanti mouse

These mazes where created by yonatan frimer
more mazes like these at

To solve the mazes, find the arrows which mark the entrance and exit and the path that connects the two of them.

Maze of Woody Allen  -  Woody Allen, The Maze
Maze of a Running Pony

maze of david by michaelangelomaze of Michalangelo's david statue of marble in italy
Maze Portrait Of Michalangelo's David

These mazes where created by yonatan frimer
more mazes like these at

To solve the mazes, find the arrows which mark the entrance and exit and the path that connects the two of them.

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