Mazes and blog postings about how to draw a maze and other cool stuff for you to learn in your free time or when you have a few minutes at work.
Open letter to anyone who works at a newspaper:
Please forward this to the Editor-in-Chief or HR department at your newspaper.
I'm an
editorial cartoonist and am interested in submitting my portfolio and resume for review by your newspaper.
Please have a look at my
editorial cartoons and let me know if there are any freelance, part-time, or full-time positions at your paper that would make good use of my talents.
My portfolio and resume can be viewed at: If you'd like me to submit my works in any other format, please let me know.
Yonatan Frimer
Cartoonist Phone: +972-545-683-040
Link to Source of this maze cartoonist for hire postingLabels: 4 hire, available, cartoonist, cartoonist for hire, for hire, freelance, freelancer, full-time, job, maze artist, maze cartoonist, mazes, open letter, part-time, portfolio, Press release, resume
posted by "Memes Guy" Was Taken #
5:12 AM